********************************************************************************************* Sunday, March 30, 2025 See bulletin at page bottom


food pantry bean supper — bake sale & auction!

this saturday, march 29 5:00 pm

piney level will have a bean supper to support our food pantry. donations will be greatly appreciated! we will be holding a bake sale and auction. anyone contributing to that will need to bring two baked goods (one to eat, and one to sell at auction, jerry delozier presiding.)

please direct any questions to doyle or pat stephens.


For OCC in March: coloring books & SPoons needed. contact stacy overholt

assistant sound engineer needed (volunteer position). contact pastor keith


All Announcements are contained in the official Church Bulletin prepared with

great care by Tonya Burch. Please see the Bulletin link at the bottom of this page


missions donations

we’re Updating church calendar info - please help with this

Tonya Burch is updating and correcting the member information on our monthly calendar. There is a sheet on the welcome desk for you to list your name, birthday, and anniversay date.

if your name has previously been on the calendar, please still complete the information on the sheet. we want to make sure that all information is complete and up-to-date.

you can also contact tonya at:


Church Directory

For privacy and other practical reasons we must require password access to our directory, under the “connect” tab at the top of this page.

For access, please contact judson@maillie.net and state your relationship to Piney Level Baptist Church. (member, guest, etc.) You will get a reply with the password.

for corrections to your personal directory data, please contact Kendel Overholt.

The directory is a work in progress. your patience has been much appreciated. (We lost two years of time on this due to covid’s whack on our supplier.) Thank you!

Discipleship small groups:

We have One group meeting at the church, on wednesdays at 10am led by carol coulter

Please contact carol to get a book and sign up.


So do not fear, for I am with you;

Do not be dismayed, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you and help you;

I will uphold you

with my righteous right hand .

Isaiah 41:10


Church Schedule


9:30 am - Sunday School

10:45 am - Morning Worship

(also Facebook / YouTube Streaming)

6:00 pm Evening Worship

(also Streaming on FB and YT)



10:00 am - Discipleship Class

In-person with Carol Coulter

6:00 pm -Choir Practice

7:00 pm -Youth Group — Downstairs Youth Room

700 pm -Facebook Live Devotional — Pastor Keith Ross

7:oo pm - Business Meeting

Next: February 12, then quarterly (May 14)


(Third Saturday of the month)

10:00 am - Noon: FOOD PANTRY (8:45 for staff)


follow links below to watch our live stream and recorded worship services on youtube and facebook

Watch LIVE or Catch up on previous services on YouTube!

Watch LIVE or Catch up on previous services on YouTube!

Watch LIVE or Catch up on previous services on Facebook.

Watch LIVE or Catch up on previous services on Facebook.